"I don't believe in Mathematics." (Albert Einstein)
Right now, I
am working as a visiting professor at the
Department of Computational Linguistics at the University of Heidelberg.
A long time ago, I did a masters in Mathematics (with a minor in
Theoretical Physics) at the Institute for
Mathematical Stochastics of the University of Göttingen. My
advisor was Ulrich
Later on, while working as an insurance mathematician, I got
interested in Linguistics (which can be thought of as a sophisticated
generalization of Mathematics). In the long run, I did a masters in
Computational Linguistics at the Institute for Natural
Language Processing of the University of Stuttgart. My advisor was
After that I started working on statistical NLP at the
chairs of Mats
Rooth and Christian
Rohrer. I finally did a PhD
with Mats.
Then I moved to Saarbrücken where I was part of Hans
Uszkoreit's group at the German
Research Center for Artificial Intelligence. I also was a
part-time lecturer at the Computational Linguistics
Department of the Saarland University at that time.
After that I was
a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute for Logic, Language, and
Computation of the University of Amsterdam, working with
Khalil Sima'an and
Remko Scha on a project called Learning
Stochastic Tree-Grammars from Treebanks.
Last updated: February 2007.